Latest Updates & Promotions

Welcome to our blog post. Here you can find out more information about our latest updates and promotions.

New Service Location – Hong Kong, Up to 1Gbps

We have extended our hosting services to Hong Kong! With this step we are now providing services in 6 data centers 3 continents.

You can now directly place order from our website and select Hong Kong location as your preferred data center location, with the available network options of 100Mbps, 200Mbps, 300Mbps and 500Mbps.

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Singapore Nodes Migration

We will perform server migration in coming two weeks for our Singapore nodes.
The main reason of this exercise is to upgrade our VPS node to bigger network capacity which allow to support up to 1,000Mbps. All current VPS will automatically upgrade from 5Mbps to 50Mbps for free.

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Summer Sales Is Back!

SUMMER SALES IS BACK! It is HOT in this summer!

We are giving away FREE hosting control panel (either DirectAdmin or ISPManager Lite) for our promotional package. In the same time you are also enjoying the FREE upgrade to 1.5GB dedicated RAM.

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Client Portal Upgrade Completed

Following from last week maintenance, we would like to inform that our client portal system upgrade has been completed. New interface, new look and mobile friendly. You can now spin new services and make payment right from your mobile devices wherever you are.

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New Website Launch!

We are happy to share with you the launch of our mobile friendly website. You may aware that our new looks has been online since middle of April this year with more organize and tidy layout.

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